During the winter or the summer the environment factors are really damaging especially for our skin, and starting with the lasting drought and the doubled solar explosions things have become even worse, that`s why further protection measures are required in order to maintain both the beauty and the health of our skin.
A good indicator of the prolonged exposure to the environment and pollution factors is always represented by the dry lips, that`s why it is useful to take immediately correct moisturizing measures and protection each time we notice our lips are drier than usually. The increased use of water will not be enough; in addition cosmetics are needed with the purpose of moisturizing both for the complexion, the hands and hair.
The perspiration can also be stimulated through a high consumption of water, a good remedy against the dryness of the skin and the complexion, and for a long term effect, one can use even natural and moisturizing massage oils, warm baths, but not hot, as well as sauna sessions and a lot of physical exercise.
For the skin threatened by the environment factors, periodical exfoliations are the most at hand solutions to protect its health, in this way, the pores being released of all the impurities, and the oxygen and the perspiration can do their job flawlessly. The massages to stimulate the blood flow and a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and spicy spices and poor in fats and sugar will make the rest , the skin look better, even us to smell nicer.
Alongside to the complexion, exposed a lot to the environment factors, the most affected areas are, as always, the hands and the legs, in this regard extra efforts are necessary for the good maintenance of the skin, and this will also involve more often exfoliations, a good moisturizing and the protection of the members against the pollution and the chemical agents. The olive oil and sweet almonds are now our best allies, doing a very good job for a healthy aspect of our hands and legs.
The anti-radiations creams have started to be very tempting and because of the introduction of the natural ingredients in their composition, pretty many cosmetic producers offer first class products , very good even for the protection, but also for a better hydration of the skin. Such cosmetics can be applied with worry even several times a day and it is a joy that things are like that and we no longer have to be afraid of the side effects from this point of view.
From the alimentary point of view , a diet rich in vitamins A,C and E , in minerals such as the zinc , the copper and the folic acid, the healthy fats such as those present in the avocado and the virgin olive oil and the good quality proteins will help the immune system to protect inclusively the skin against the risk factors, and the increased consumption of water will make the rest at superlative.
To avoid the binge eating of any kind and especially the moderate usage of coffee, sugar and processed products can prevent many skin problems, and adequate rest and the usage of healthy humidifiers for the house will help a lot the body to maintain an optimal degree of health.
Last but not least, a suitable clothing does wonders in protecting and stimulating the skin health, and the hats, scarves, sunglasses and, especially, the materials made of a thick fabric such as denim, silk, velvet, and some synthetic materials and, in general, any material that doesn`t allow the light of the sun to pass through its texture will help a lot to a good protection of the skin from radiations and other environment factors.
Paradoxically, not the light materials in color have proven to be better for the protection against the sun, the wind or the cold weather and, on the contrary, those dark in color will make this and that`s why, newly, the serious clothing producers indicate expressly on their labels even data regarding the level of solar protection and of any other type that the products produced by them can offer.
Summing up in an inspired manner all these measures of protection against the wind, the sun and low temperatures, you will succeed to keep your skin at an optimal level of health, in this way you will feel more beautiful and in a better mood throughout the day, and this thing will be entirely your merit as you have understood how important such precautions in harsh conditions are, conditions represented by the pollution and the environment factors nowadays.
Sofia's Makeup World has become our journey into writing about what we do, how we do it, and why we do it. My pro makeup tips and artist quotes will inspire you and give you an advantage on the job.
Monday, 23 September 2013
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Give Up Periodically on Makeup in Favor of Natural Beauty
As in the case of the correct food, where the fasting and the detoxification diets are necessary periodically in order to clean the body of toxins and in the case of the skin maintenance, such alternative cures of “detoxification” are necessary, when the make-up will have to make place to the embellishing natural methods, which maintain a nice and fresh aspect, but without using the modern cosmetic products.
Many of these cosmetics try to fit to the trend of the moment and present themselves through their label as natural products, which bring a plus of health to the complexion and to the skin, but the reality is somehow different, all the cosmetics including in their final formula many other laboratory substances, made to contribute to their lifespan, but which can generate even some side effects on the human body.
A fresh well preserved complexion can be maintained for a day or two without using the make-up, in this concern being recommended that all the time the usual embellishing methods, that include the exfoliation, cleaning and moisturizing the skin once or twice a day, in time noticeable performances being obtained and the make-up could be ignored even for a period of months or even more.
Paradoxically, many women have lived the happy experience to receive compliments especially for their nice aspect the moment they have chosen to give up the make-up, they seem to look younger and more attractive then the moment they hid their face behind the cosmetic tricks. It is a new experience, which makes you wonder if the make-up is not in the end just a fad, which you could as well give up completely as long as this totally natural look seem to be in your advantage during the periods that allow the complexion to breath less and to recover after the past abuses.
A thing which you shouldn`t completely give up even when the make-up is eliminated from the daily embellishing routine is the use of the protective creams against the solar rays or against the polluting agents, these being also very necessary especially during the warm season, when the radiations and the dust assault more strongly our complexion and skin.
For the best results, a rich alimentation in fresh vegetal products, the increased use of water and the correct rest will noticeably help to a complete recovery of our skin and complexion, in this way being possible for all of us to rediscover our real look, somehow changed by the passing of time, but as familiar to us as at the teenage age, when we gradually started applying one after the other the cosmetic products on our face.
The eyelashes and the eyebrows play an important role for the easy manipulation of the completely natural beauty, here some efforts, for their attentive care with the purpose of obtaining a plus at the symmetry chapter, can be made which will automatically bring a guaranteed plus of beauty. With a little bit of experience, the eyes can be emphasized in this way, the final result being satisfying enough to fully justify the temporal renouncement at the quality cosmetic products.
Moisturizing the skin and the complexion is consequently the only compulsory activity for the day, in this way the complexion is very well hydrated with everything it needs in order to look the best. It is very important not to give up the moisturizing even when the make-up products are excluded, along with the suitable diet and the water consumption and this care measure being able to offer to the skin and to the complexion a fresh, nice and full of brightness look.
Last but not least, the hair and its constant care will enrich your beauty of a natural type with other positive shades, consequently being very well if the recommendations are followed strictly for the daily maintenance of the hair. The hair dye must be chosen in colors as close to your natural color, this being the only way in which the pleasant aspect of the hair is not left aside by a contrasting tone which steals some of the final aspect of your natural beauty.
The make-up can be later on reintroduced in your daily practices, but the passage of a complete month or even more, by such periodical cures of “detoxification” of the complexion being encouraged a more balanced activity of the sebaceous glands and a recovery on totally natural ways of the reserves of substances used by the body for the maintenance and the regeneration of the skin.
The persons with health problems of the acne type and other affections of the complexion will have to use even specific treatments for such problems and, especially in their case, the make-up must be removed from the embellishing daily practices for longer periods of time only in this way can the complexion breathe more relaxed and get better in a little bit faster a rhythm than when a make-up is applied daily with the purpose to hide and not to protect the natural type beauty
Many of these cosmetics try to fit to the trend of the moment and present themselves through their label as natural products, which bring a plus of health to the complexion and to the skin, but the reality is somehow different, all the cosmetics including in their final formula many other laboratory substances, made to contribute to their lifespan, but which can generate even some side effects on the human body.
A fresh well preserved complexion can be maintained for a day or two without using the make-up, in this concern being recommended that all the time the usual embellishing methods, that include the exfoliation, cleaning and moisturizing the skin once or twice a day, in time noticeable performances being obtained and the make-up could be ignored even for a period of months or even more.
Paradoxically, many women have lived the happy experience to receive compliments especially for their nice aspect the moment they have chosen to give up the make-up, they seem to look younger and more attractive then the moment they hid their face behind the cosmetic tricks. It is a new experience, which makes you wonder if the make-up is not in the end just a fad, which you could as well give up completely as long as this totally natural look seem to be in your advantage during the periods that allow the complexion to breath less and to recover after the past abuses.
A thing which you shouldn`t completely give up even when the make-up is eliminated from the daily embellishing routine is the use of the protective creams against the solar rays or against the polluting agents, these being also very necessary especially during the warm season, when the radiations and the dust assault more strongly our complexion and skin.
For the best results, a rich alimentation in fresh vegetal products, the increased use of water and the correct rest will noticeably help to a complete recovery of our skin and complexion, in this way being possible for all of us to rediscover our real look, somehow changed by the passing of time, but as familiar to us as at the teenage age, when we gradually started applying one after the other the cosmetic products on our face.
The eyelashes and the eyebrows play an important role for the easy manipulation of the completely natural beauty, here some efforts, for their attentive care with the purpose of obtaining a plus at the symmetry chapter, can be made which will automatically bring a guaranteed plus of beauty. With a little bit of experience, the eyes can be emphasized in this way, the final result being satisfying enough to fully justify the temporal renouncement at the quality cosmetic products.
Moisturizing the skin and the complexion is consequently the only compulsory activity for the day, in this way the complexion is very well hydrated with everything it needs in order to look the best. It is very important not to give up the moisturizing even when the make-up products are excluded, along with the suitable diet and the water consumption and this care measure being able to offer to the skin and to the complexion a fresh, nice and full of brightness look.
Last but not least, the hair and its constant care will enrich your beauty of a natural type with other positive shades, consequently being very well if the recommendations are followed strictly for the daily maintenance of the hair. The hair dye must be chosen in colors as close to your natural color, this being the only way in which the pleasant aspect of the hair is not left aside by a contrasting tone which steals some of the final aspect of your natural beauty.
The make-up can be later on reintroduced in your daily practices, but the passage of a complete month or even more, by such periodical cures of “detoxification” of the complexion being encouraged a more balanced activity of the sebaceous glands and a recovery on totally natural ways of the reserves of substances used by the body for the maintenance and the regeneration of the skin.
The persons with health problems of the acne type and other affections of the complexion will have to use even specific treatments for such problems and, especially in their case, the make-up must be removed from the embellishing daily practices for longer periods of time only in this way can the complexion breathe more relaxed and get better in a little bit faster a rhythm than when a make-up is applied daily with the purpose to hide and not to protect the natural type beauty
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Makeup Products That Can Damage Your Skin
Despite the growing concern which the important producers on the cosmetics market pay to meet their clients' expectations concerning a healthy and natural offer, one of the ingredients present in these products can be risky for the health, this thing being or not clearly expressed on the label of the products under discussion.
1. The cosmetics for the exfoliation, for example, include in the present in an important part even some natural ingredients very efficient for removing the dead cells, the health problems could nevertheless appear the moment when the exfoliation creams include particles too tough in their composition, from fruits or seeds, or can injure the skin in an unnoticeable manner during the exfoliation allowing in this way the bacteria to enter more rapidly in depth and to generate all sorts of skin disorders.
2. Other suspicious products are even those that include in their compositions emulsifiers or/end stabilizers, easily to be recognized as they let after the application a slippery layer of substance which will cover the pores, not allowing the skin to breath naturally and leading in time to an accentuated dryness and dehydration of the skin. These products must be avoided as they are noticeably getting the skin and the complexion older and more degraded. Examples of emulsifiers are the stearates, polysorbates, laboratory esters and the like.
3. Some preservatives in cosmetics can be risky for the hormonal balance of your body and they lead to the installation of the cancer according to some recent medical studies, such as the parabens in different formulations, polyethylene glycol, polyoxyethylene, and other polymers are particularly damaging when the cosmetic products are used in the long term.
4. The mineral oils and their derivates such as the laboratory perfumes dry the skin in an accelerated way and are causing an premature aging, in addition appearing also the risk of autoimmune diseases as a result of diminishing the reaction capacity to the disease of the organism.
5. Dyes and paints, even when obtained from natural sources weaken in time the root of the hairs and can also have an carcinogenic effect. According to the doctors, certain hair dyes can contain some laboratory ingredients which lead to the apparition of some diseases of the neurological type and that`s why their constant usage must be avoided even for short periods of time.
Many other similar ingredients from the modern cosmetic products can be suspicious even for the untrained eye, being for this reason useful to purchase your favorite products just from trustable sources, reading at the same time the label on the product with a lot of attention.
Fortunately, on the cosmetics market, there are even very serious producers, who don`t play with the health of their clients and who are capable to offer to these ones the products that can be used in safety and with increased efficiency, such quality products and also those homemade, prepared after checked recipes being always to prefer to those suspicious that show risks for the health.
With a little bit of research work and a lot of attention when buying, you will find yourself those cosmetic products satisfying for your beauty needs and safe for your health, the experience and even the received advice in your circle of friends as well as the doctor and the stylists recommendations could be useful any time when you hesitate whether to use or not a certain brand of cosmetic products.
1. The cosmetics for the exfoliation, for example, include in the present in an important part even some natural ingredients very efficient for removing the dead cells, the health problems could nevertheless appear the moment when the exfoliation creams include particles too tough in their composition, from fruits or seeds, or can injure the skin in an unnoticeable manner during the exfoliation allowing in this way the bacteria to enter more rapidly in depth and to generate all sorts of skin disorders.
2. Other suspicious products are even those that include in their compositions emulsifiers or/end stabilizers, easily to be recognized as they let after the application a slippery layer of substance which will cover the pores, not allowing the skin to breath naturally and leading in time to an accentuated dryness and dehydration of the skin. These products must be avoided as they are noticeably getting the skin and the complexion older and more degraded. Examples of emulsifiers are the stearates, polysorbates, laboratory esters and the like.
3. Some preservatives in cosmetics can be risky for the hormonal balance of your body and they lead to the installation of the cancer according to some recent medical studies, such as the parabens in different formulations, polyethylene glycol, polyoxyethylene, and other polymers are particularly damaging when the cosmetic products are used in the long term.
4. The mineral oils and their derivates such as the laboratory perfumes dry the skin in an accelerated way and are causing an premature aging, in addition appearing also the risk of autoimmune diseases as a result of diminishing the reaction capacity to the disease of the organism.
5. Dyes and paints, even when obtained from natural sources weaken in time the root of the hairs and can also have an carcinogenic effect. According to the doctors, certain hair dyes can contain some laboratory ingredients which lead to the apparition of some diseases of the neurological type and that`s why their constant usage must be avoided even for short periods of time.
Many other similar ingredients from the modern cosmetic products can be suspicious even for the untrained eye, being for this reason useful to purchase your favorite products just from trustable sources, reading at the same time the label on the product with a lot of attention.
Fortunately, on the cosmetics market, there are even very serious producers, who don`t play with the health of their clients and who are capable to offer to these ones the products that can be used in safety and with increased efficiency, such quality products and also those homemade, prepared after checked recipes being always to prefer to those suspicious that show risks for the health.
With a little bit of research work and a lot of attention when buying, you will find yourself those cosmetic products satisfying for your beauty needs and safe for your health, the experience and even the received advice in your circle of friends as well as the doctor and the stylists recommendations could be useful any time when you hesitate whether to use or not a certain brand of cosmetic products.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Top 4 Mistakes You Make When Applying Makeup
When it comes to beauty, there is a small difference between what looks good and what looks bad. As far as the the make-up is concerned, for example, the suitable foundation can transform your face into an image of perfection, but an unsuitable tone can turn your make-up into a disaster. You will find below the most frequent make- up catastrophes to be avoided.
1. Applying the make-up on a dry skin
The foundation needs a smooth surface in order to be applied evenly. On the contrary, if applied on a dry skin, the foundation can look cracked and tarnished, according to the Make-up.com.
In order to even out the surface of the skin, use a delicate scrub to eliminate the dead cells. Apply a moisturizer lotion or, if you have an extremely dry skin, use moisturizer oil. You should avoid the make-up based on mineral and zinc powder, because it has a matte control effect which attracts even more humidity to the skin.
1. Applying the make-up on a dry skin
The foundation needs a smooth surface in order to be applied evenly. On the contrary, if applied on a dry skin, the foundation can look cracked and tarnished, according to the Make-up.com.
In order to even out the surface of the skin, use a delicate scrub to eliminate the dead cells. Apply a moisturizer lotion or, if you have an extremely dry skin, use moisturizer oil. You should avoid the make-up based on mineral and zinc powder, because it has a matte control effect which attracts even more humidity to the skin.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Makeup Trends - This Fall
Summer is close to its end and you have to orientate towards the new make-up tendencies, with the help of which you will be able to handle with style the cold season. This season, the make-up artists advise you to abandon your comfort zone when it is about the makeup. You shouldn`t be afraid of the color and the creativity is the word that defines the tendencies in the make-up from the season autumn/winter 2013.
The color of the wine will be a real hit this autumn, as far as the daring make-up is concerned. The cat-eyes make-up is brought to life, becoming more sensual and challenging, and the neutral one will offer to your skin an impeccable, porcelain aspect.
Discover what are the make-up tendencies for this autumn and try the make-up that best emphasizes your personality.
If your lips represent your strong point, then invest in a burgundy lipstick, which will offer you a vamp, feminine look. Daring and dramatic, the lips in the color of the rotten cherries are in fashion this season, both for the day and for the night. The important thing is to know how to wear such a lipstick. During the day, keep the neutrality as far as the eye make-up is concerned, using just the mascara and eventually the eyeliner.
For the evening, choose a smokey make-up or the cat-eyes completed with a dark burgundy lipstick.
Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Vera Wang or Miu Miu are just a few of the fashion houses that have included the burgundy lipstick in the make-up of the models from the catwalk.
The color black is again in the tendencies as far as the make-up is concerned, and the suggested make-up are as daring as they can be. You have no reason not to invest in a quality eyeliner, which helps you make a perfect cat-eyes make-up for the cold day that are about to come.
The color of the wine will be a real hit this autumn, as far as the daring make-up is concerned. The cat-eyes make-up is brought to life, becoming more sensual and challenging, and the neutral one will offer to your skin an impeccable, porcelain aspect.
Discover what are the make-up tendencies for this autumn and try the make-up that best emphasizes your personality.
If your lips represent your strong point, then invest in a burgundy lipstick, which will offer you a vamp, feminine look. Daring and dramatic, the lips in the color of the rotten cherries are in fashion this season, both for the day and for the night. The important thing is to know how to wear such a lipstick. During the day, keep the neutrality as far as the eye make-up is concerned, using just the mascara and eventually the eyeliner.
For the evening, choose a smokey make-up or the cat-eyes completed with a dark burgundy lipstick.
Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Vera Wang or Miu Miu are just a few of the fashion houses that have included the burgundy lipstick in the make-up of the models from the catwalk.
The color black is again in the tendencies as far as the make-up is concerned, and the suggested make-up are as daring as they can be. You have no reason not to invest in a quality eyeliner, which helps you make a perfect cat-eyes make-up for the cold day that are about to come.
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